Tuesday 22 January 2013

The Lost Prince (Call of the Forgotten: 1)

Wow, has it ever been a long time since I posted. Probably doesn't matter, since nobody reads my blogs anyway...

haha, moving along. I just finished "The Lost Prince" and it was AWESOME! I can't wait for 'The Traitor Son"!!!!

Friday 25 November 2011

Solo Acting

WOW! I just picked my piece for solo acting and I will tell you what it is, but reader, promise me this; you must not tell anyone else for it is a secret. I am doing a exerpt from Lewis Carol's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Cool, hey? Post more later

Saturday 12 November 2011

The Iron Knight

The Iron Knight is out, and is awesome! I have read it and I am amazed still.

Julie Kagawa, you never cease to amaze me. The Iron Knight is a must read, but
only after you have read everything else. It will make no sense otherwise. (And by
everything else, I am talking about The Iron King, Winters Passage, The Iron Daughter,
The Iron Queen, Summers Crossing) Please, comment on my posts; this blog needs to
get going!

Saturday 8 October 2011

First Post!

This is my brand new blog! Please feel free to post comments on it!
If you have not read the Iron King series, your life is not complete. You
must read it! Thank you for posting and reading!

The Iron Knight comes out in 15 days!


Alice Wonderland